“I might get fired for saying this, but I don’t agree with you.”
Image by the author. Download as a PDF Everyone Has a Story — The Question Is… Imagine you are standing in the emergency room of your local trauma center and you’re watching a man on a gurney. This man is overweight and under-dressed. Not under-dressed as in low class. Under-dressed because he’s wearing what they call a [...]
Download as a PDF At the experienced age of 60, I decided to take up barrel racing. It’s a competitive event where you ride a horse in a clover-leaf pattern around three barrels. Your score is based on the time to run the pattern and you lose points if you touch a barrel, knock [...]
Understanding, clarifying, and assigning strategic versus tactical decision making is key in business. There appears to be an imbalance in strategic vs. tactical thinkers: around 90% of leaders or managers are tactical and only about 10% are strategic. I believe that we can teach and be taught the difference and how to think both ways. [...]