Understanding, clarifying, and assigning strategic versus tactical decision making is key in business. There appears to be an imbalance in strategic vs. tactical thinkers: around 90% of leaders or managers are tactical and only about 10% are strategic. I believe that we can teach and be taught the difference and how to think both ways. [...]
As a supervisor or manager, why does cross-training on the job matter? What is cross-training? Cross-training is a term that is often used in physical fitness programs. It refers to developing different muscles so that the entire body is more healthy and efficient. But cross-training on the job isn’t about physical fitness. It’s about mental [...]
One more thing you should never do as a manager – or in any capacity for that matter. Never make an employee feel irrelevant.
If you ask any six safety professionals what the primary thing you need to know about safety is, you’ll get nine answers. The first thing you need to know? The idea and profession of safety exist because you can get hurt. Too blunt? Sorry. It’s the truth. If you are not safe – you will [...]