A simple announcement to let readers know that I now have both the CHST and OHST (Construction and Occupational Health and Safety Technician) designation by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals . [sig]
We all want one thing: respect. Not just for our existence, but for our knowledge and experience. Striving for respect makes us try harder.
Those of you that have known me for any length of time know that I am an intense people watcher. I love watching people interact with each other and through their body language alone try to determine if not their content, at least their mood and how they are feeling. It turns out that our [...]
Part 1 is here… Holding this type of information in your head will cause it to explode – and cause your business to implode. By the way – fatigue comes from trying to hold too many pieces of information in the head – studies show that your brain uses more than 50% of your caloric [...]